Dear UNUSA Students🙌
In today’s modern era, many news is written in International Language especially English Language, Unusa through Genus offers the opportunity to the students to learn how to write News in English Language correctly. Then let’s join
Workshop Translating News Into English Language
To be held on
🗓Date : Friday, January 21st, 2022
⏰Time of : 08:00 GTM+7
📍Location : Cafe fastron cmpus B Unusa 3rd floor With
Achmad Supriadi, S.IP, MA.
Doctoral Candidate from School of Communication and Art, The Univesity of Queensland, Australia, University of Westminter Alumni.
free for public
Only 50 seats, please kindly register yourself soon.
🏷️Registration link: https://bit.ly/PENERJEMAHBERITA