Surabaya – Corona-19 pandemic in Indonesia is currently spreading everywhere including in the city of Surabaya. This condition affects the readiness of health staffs. The limited number of health staffs encourages the Surabaya chapter of Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) Surabaya to deploy reserves from educational institutions. One of these institutions that plan to fill the gap is Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama (UNUSA) Surabaya. The Association discloses that there are 156 of it nurses exposed to Covid-19 in February 2022 and the number is expected to continue to grow considering the rapid spread of omicron variants. Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery UNUSA Khamida aid that the University plans to deploy as many as 30 nursing students to help coping the spread of Covid-19 in Surabaya. They will be assigned to points where lack of health staffs, especially the task of providing vaccinations. UNUSA’s task in assisting the handling of Covid-19 is in the framework of humanity and carrying out the campus obligation of “Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi” of Three Pillars of Higher Education: education, research, and community service.