Hello Everyone! 🙌
NUMINAL (Nursing and Midwifery International) Student Forum is a forum that discusses an issue or current event in the world. The activity takes the form of Seminars and Forum Discussion with various speakers in various countries. The participants in the NUMINAL Student Forum came from Diploma, Undergraduate, And Postgraduate or Master in international and national students. Since it is currently a pandemic COVID-19, this activity is carried out online.
“The Role of GEN Z Nursing and Midwifery Students Facing Society Era 5.0.”
Participants are active Diploma, Undergraduate, and Post Graduate or Master students of health science majors such as Nursing, Medicine, Pharmacy, Public Health, Health Nutrition, Medical Record, Health Analyst and others from
institutions/universities throughout Indonesia and all around the world proven by the student identity card.
a. Seminar
The seminars an activity of the giving material about the topic and based on the sub- themes of the 2nd NUMINAL Student Forum 2022 and to be used as discussion material.
b. Forum Discussion
The discussion forum is a continuation of the activities of the seminars. Participants can ask questions and will be answered by the speakers. The discussion forum will be led by a moderator.
• Assist. Prof. Dr. Yuwayong Juntarawijit – Naresuan University Thailand
• Momoka Watanabe – Hiroshima University
• Dr. Siti Khuzaimah Ahmad Sharoni – Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia
• Dr. Umdatus Solihah, S.ST, M.Kes – Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
• Yoga Ayom Pangestu, S.Kep., Ns – Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
a. Participants have to fill the registration form for the 2nd NUMINAL Student Forum. Open Registration on June 27th 2022- July 16th 2022
Link Registration: https://s.id/NUMINALSF2022/
b. Free fee Registration
c. Participants wait for a confirmation success got in email from the 2nd NUMINAL Student Forum committee.
d. All participants must follow the Instagram account: @bemfkk_unusa @humasunusa @official.genus @unusa_official @numinal.fkkunusa
📚 Guidebook Numinal Student Forum : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14v0xVX-W1asXUCy077YCjFT3QbQ57RRr?usp=sharing
❗Contact Person ❗
📲 Priyagung (+6281519532357 – WhatsApp Only)
📲 Shelly (+6285707037402 – WhatsApp Only)
@bemfkk_unusa @official.genus @humasunusa @unusa_official @numinal.fkkunusa