Unusa Webometrics Ranking Rises

University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (Unusa) despite the fact that it is categorized as a new University in East Java its reputation has increased significantly as its ranking based on  webometrics version issued in January 2022 has increased. Unusa was in 135 of...

Unusa’s Academic Achievements

Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) recorded astonishing achievements as its six lecturers are included in the list of five thousand Indonesian scientists based on the version of Alper Doger (AD) Scientific Index in 2022. They are respectively, Achmad Jazidie...
Genus Held A Fun Capacity Building

Genus Held A Fun Capacity Building

Jombang – To increase the capacity of human resources, Global Engagement of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (Genus) held capacity building and internationalization exposure in Wonosalam Jombang. This event is followed by the volunteers and all the...