GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT of universiTAS nahdlatul ulama surabaya
campus life

Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya is located in Surabaya city. Surabaya is the capital city of East Java Province, Indonesia. Surabaya is the second biggest city in Indonesia after Jakarta. Surabaya is also filled with offices and business centers. There are many skyscrapers, malls, plazas, apartments and star hotels. The living cost in Surabaya is relatively affordable. For eating, you can get the price starting from Rp. 10,000 – Rp. 20,000 for one serving. For home stay you can get the price start from Rp. 400.000 – 1.000.000 for a month. For transportation there are so many public transportations that are provided in this city. You can use Surabaya Bus for free, you only need to change the payment with plastics trash. Or you can use Go Jek, Grab or taxy for private travel. There are so many tourism places in Surabaya like Kenjeran Beach, Kapal Selam Monument, Parks, Surabaya National Monument, Klenteng Sanggar Agung and etc. Time Zone in Surabaya uses WIB (Western Indonesia Time). Surabaya has a tropical climate like big cities in Indonesia. Based on the Koppen climate classification, the city of Surabaya is included in the category of wet and dry tropical climate (Aw) with two seasons in a year, namely the rainy season and dry season. The average air temperature in Surabaya ranges from 23.6 °C to 33.8 °C. Religion, most of the citizens are muslim. Surabaya people comes from diverse background but most of them are nice and tolerant.
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