Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) recorded astonishing achievements as its six lecturers are included in the list of five thousand Indonesian scientists based on the version of Alper Doger (AD) Scientific Index in 2022. They are respectively, Achmad Jazidie (Rector of Unusa), Teguh Herlambang, Ubaidillah Zuhdi, Mohamad Yusak Anshori, Abdul Muhith, and Achmad Syafiudin. In addition to five lecturers, one administrator of the Surabaya Islamic Hospital Foundation (Yarsis), Muchlas Samani, was also listed on the said list.
The list is based on various scientific papers assessed from the H Index, I Index and citation indexed by Google Scholar. It is widely known that H Index is an index that attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the work published by a scientist or scholar. The index is based on the number of scientific works produced by a scientist and the number of citations received from other publications. While I Index is a score of a researcher in a publication that has articles that are recited by at least 10 other articles.
This list is a form of recognition of world institutions for the achievements of works given by scientists. The AD (Alper-Doger) Scientific Index is a study that shows the total and productivity coefficient of publication performance over the past five years from scientists, based on H-Index scores and citations according to Google Scholar. The index ranks and assesses scientists in a field of study and academic branch of 14,120 colleges and 215 countries. AD Scientific Index uses a ranking method developed by Prof. Dr. Murat ALPER & Associate Prof. Dr. Cihan DÖĞER.
UNUSA rector, Prof. Dr. Ir Achmad Jazidie hopes this achievement can motivate other lecturers to continuously communicate the results of research and community service through reputable scientific journals. “What has been achieved is a step for UNUSA to gain international recognition. However, Rector realized that such achievement was not something that came suddenly, but required planning requirements, activities and resources.