Surabaya – Study abroad is one of the best ways students can acquire global skills and open up opportunities. In addition, study abroad also means discovering new cultures, exploring new places, and discovering new knowledge.

By seeing this urgency, one of the efforts of the Nahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya in supporting the internationalization of the university is to hold activities that have impacts to the university. In order to produce the next generation with global competitiveness.

This activity is called Genus’ Talkshow season one. It was hold for five episodes each Friday at 14.00 PM. This event was hold on Friday, June 5th 2020 until Friday, July 3rd 2020. There are so many topics that have been discussed in this event such as “Study Experience Abroad, Preparation for Studying Abroad, Cross Culture, Tips and tricks Getting International Scholarship, and The Benefits of Studying Abroad”.

Husnul Khotimah one of the participant who was joined in this event said that this event is very important to be conduct not only once but it needs more.

“This is very important for me especially as college student and for other participants also, because we are getting know knowledge and information in how to get international scholarship. It’s really help me to prepare everything to get international scholarship.” Said Husnul.

The talkshow by the theme “Explore the World and Bright Your Future With Study Abroad” was held online through the Zoom Meeting. It was delivered by the speaker, Mustofa, S.Pd., Ma and continued with a question and answer session by participants who was assisted by the moderator. The participants came from various groups.

By holding the Genus Talkshow with the theme Explore the World and Bright Your Future With Study Abroad, it is hoped that it can broaden students’ insights and foster self-confidence in students. In addition, it is also intended to simplify and speed up the internationalization process at the Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya. (nrl/adm)